Innovative solutions for the future of education

From September 3 to 5, CBTL will be presenting its latest developments in the field of digital learning content at the Bundeswehr Education and Training Congress. The focus will be on the presentation of the EVOLUTION³ authoring platform, which meets the modern and constantly changing requirements of training and offers forward-looking functionalities.

What products were presented at the event?
CBTL is presenting a range of product innovations that are tailored to the current needs of learners. The focus is on the new authoring tool FIRST-TRAIN, which enables quick and easy creation of responsive learning content. The tool offers trainers the opportunity to react flexibly to changing learning needs and design content efficiently.

A central topic was the integration of gamification elements.

The presentation and demonstration on the possibilities of gamification were a particular highlight of the congress. During the event, we demonstrated how the integration of playful elements can be used to create learning content that is both motivating and effective. The EVOLUTION³ authoring platform offers interactive and adaptive learning experiences that promote the individual progress of each learner and enable learning experiences tailored to their personal needs.

AI technology supports the creation of learning content.

The possibilities offered by AI technology will make it possible to produce content efficiently in future and adapt it specifically to the needs of learners. The functions include automatic translation and dubbing in order to tailor content to learners in terms of language and content.

Accessibility: Education for all
CBTL is committed to making education barrier-free and accessible to all. With EVOLUTION³, learning content can be created that meets the requirements of inclusion and at the same time responds adaptively to different learning needs. This creates a learning environment that offers an ideal learning experience regardless of individual challenges.

For further information and if you are interested in a personal consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts will be happy to explain how modern learning platforms can shape the future of training.