Would you like to produce your e-learning courses in-house, but the available authoring tools are too complicated?

Then the solution to your problems is within reach!

With the release of version 3.15 of our authoring platform, you can expect convenient innovations not only in our established editors – with FIRST-TRAIN, CBTL has developed a new editor for you that makes it easy for anyone to create responsive e-learning courses.

The intuitive, user-friendly interface together with the preconfigured elements and automations provided make it easier than ever before, even for those who previously felt intimidated by powerful authoring tools.

100% Online

As with our well-known editors EVOLUTION³ and FAST-TRAIN, you don’t need to download and install any software to use FIRST-TRAIN. You can easily create your content in a web browser.

Simple theme configuration

Before you start creating your course, you can set your CI colours in FIRST-TRAIN with just a few clicks and thus design your own customised layout. Subsequent changes are also automatically adjusted to the theme on all pages.

Limitless possibilities

Combine our pre-designed action elements in any order to create varied, interactive pages based on your own ideas. Our user-friendly sidebar allows you to customise the elements according to your needs and edit our text and media templates. The rest is done automatically: FIRST-TRAIN takes care of the pixel-perfect positioning for you and, once your e-learning has been exported, organises the content flexibly to suit the device you are using so that your content looks good on all screens!

With FIRST-TRAIN, your team can quickly produce professional quality e-learning courses. Our tool is suitable for beginners and experts alike – for anyone who needs quick results without having to deal with complicated software!

We can’t wait to show you our tool live, because e-learning creation has never been easier!

But users of EVOLUTION³ and FAST-TRAIN can also expect a few nice surprises with the 3.15 release:

Improved usability

For our ART users (creation of responsive e-learning modules), the page area has been revised and has improved support for editing your elements: We have merged the action elements and exercises areas for optimum user-friendliness. All the appropriate editors for a page are now displayed automatically, depending on the elements within the page. The object properties area has also been optimised. For example, to give a more concise overview, only the relevant properties for the selected element are displayed.


AI support

In addition to the recently introduced AI support in our translation editor, you can now look forward to another AI in our authoring tool. This time it’s an AI-based speech-to-text generator that is used for video subtitle generation. You’ll be amazed at how robust it is when it comes to accents, background noise and technical language. Your videos can therefore be provided with high quality subtitles in no time at all.

Other innovations

You can also look forward to improvements to the password management, which makes it easier for you to reset your password.

We have also optimised our animation editor so that you can create presentations even more conveniently.

Check out the optimisations with the 3.15 release!